Sunshine Daydream Farm & Gardens

Nestled in the western foothills of Brownfield, Maine along the New Hampshire border
What happens on the farm...
You'll find a small organic farm with a flock of sheep used for fiber only.. The wool that is shorn off the sheep for the finished fiber related products come from our Merino, Corriedale and CVM Romendale sheep. These breeds of sheep are perfect for wet felting, as their wool felts easily, fast and strong. Raised for their lustrous fiber this type of wool is easy to hand spin wool into yarn and felt wool locks into felted fabric.
Yearly plantings of saved seed are started in the greenhouse each spring which produce the flowers used for our natural dyes. The wool is then washed and dyed with plants, roots, barks, native mushrooms and spices. The dyed wool is used for felting and spinning wool into our yarn line that looks like handspun.
What happens in the Greenhouse and Gardens...
Sunshine Daydream Gardens offers eco=friendly garden design for your property, seasonal maintenance,restorations of old gardens, installations of new gardens, low maintenance plantings, organic vegetable and herb gardens, shrub and tree plantings as well as long term planning for your property.
We are Seed Saver's, all seeds are saved from the previous year for next year's crop.
We are insured and professional ..and we get the job done!
Michelle's Bio.....Inspired by Rudolf Steiner teachings and a Fine Arts degree in Clay, Michelle's main focus is her landscaping business . Outside of her primary gardening work she pursues a traditional craft called felt making. With a passionate hands-on approach for the entire process of wool into cloth, clay into vessel and seed into vegetable. Being creative, living with the seasons, spending time with nature and meditation inspire the felted creations and her full time commitment to her gardening business.
Michelle DeLucia
377 Center Conway Road
Brownfield Maine
"Love the Life you Live and Live the Life you Love"
-Bob Marley